Try: Make a list of the cr’s favorite foods and have them available with each meal and snack time offer smaller frequent meals throughout the day six small meals make the most of the times when the cr feels hungry for example if this is in the morning offer a cooked breakfast in addition to cereal toast and so on encourage cr make an exercise routine pare of each day encourage the cr to go outside for fresh air before mealtime offer a relaxed and unrushed mealtime certain aromas during mealtime can stimulate appetite cinnamon sticks at the table apple pie or cookies baking in the oven when feasible burn candles scented with cinnamon apple pie or cookies limit fluids during meals offer water 30 minutes prior to eating if cr is not eating hot foods offer cold foods offer room temperature foods enhance the flavor in foods with herbs sauces or dressings
Materials: Pen pencil and paper spices cinnamon candles with scent of apple pie cookies and cinnamon cr’s favorite foods
Categories: Medical Physical, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Not hungry anorexia under eating no appetite don’t feel like eating
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed