Try: Ask the cr to push his or her head to the right with hand hold this position for about ten seconds then relax for five seconds ask the cr to move head to the left until he or she feels the pain once pain is felt the cr should move head to the right keep this position for about ten seconds then relax for five seconds keep movement slow and easy if cr feels neck is moving a bit easier apply the hot pack or warm towel on the affected neck area to help relax the neck muscles try to move head in different directions – side to side left to right look down and look up and rotation circular motion ask the cr to move shoulders as well to help neck muscles relax
Materials: Towels hot pack gel based bucket
Categories: Medical Physical, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from the internet website www hubpages com – 5 steps to ease your stiff neck by j k smith 2009
Keywords: Stiff neck neck pain exercise
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed