Care recipient (cr) has a stiff neck

Try: Get a warm towel or a hot pack gel based and leave it on the stiffed part of your neck to help relax the neck muscles if using a warm towel have a bucket filled with warm water and about 2-3 pieces of towels so cr can change it whenever the warmth fades on it keep applying warm towels until cr’s neck feels better don’t overdo it as cr might get skin burn especially if he is using a hot pack before applying the warm towel or hot pack on the affected neck area make sure that cr has a dry towel on the neck to prevent skin burn

Materials: Towels hot pack gel based bucket

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: 5 steps to ease your stiff neck by j k smith 2009 available at

Keywords: Stiff neck neck pain exercise

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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