Try: #set a regular bedtime and a regular routine for that time of evening #note whether the cr is napping a great deal during the day if so provide the cr with a few more interesting daytime activities including walks and interactions with family members or friends try to cut down the amount of time the cr spends sleeping during the day but do not prevent a cr from napping as needed #avoid serving caffeinated food or drink before bedtime for an evening snack serve plain milk rather than cocoa coffee or alcohol and a serving of cottage cheese or turkey rather than cake or cookies #once in a while give the cr a warm bath about two hours before bedtime make a warm bath more pleasurable by adding an herbal sachet to it do not make this a regular event if the cr has trouble with dry skin as frequent long soaks may aggravate this #make any changes necessary to make sure the cr feels warm and safe in his or her bedroom a cr may be frightened of falling on the way to the bathroom at night make sure there are nightlights in the bedroom hallway and bathroom remove loose rugs and any obstacles on the path between the bed and the toilet if the cr wears socks to bed make sure they have non-skid soles #make sure the cr has a way to alert you or someone else if he or she needs help during the night senior service agencies or the cr’s doctor may provide
Materials: Caffeine-free food and drink warm bath nightlights non-skid socks panic button
Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision
Information: About a panic button that can be worn around the neck twenty-four hours a day these are particularly useful when a cr lives alone with the push of the button a monitoring service is notified that the cr is in trouble and a response is activated information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed