Try: Install extra lighting in the areas where the cr reads sews or does hobbies buy lights with adjustable arms that can be moved very close to the cr’s reading or work area also consider a lighted visor if the cr works in the garage in evening hours install additional lighting install additional lighting in the kitchen under cupboards inside cupboards in pantries and other dark areas that the cr uses a lot use trash cans and wastebaskets that are a different or bright color than the cr’s surroundings like the floor so they are easily seen this helps with sanitation and ensures garbage and trash are put into the can not accidentally missed and thrown on the floor re-arrange items in cupboards and the fridge grouping by kind keep it consistent and in order so the item can be recognized by its location general shape and or color re-arrange the bathroom in similar ways also sort closets by types of clothing and color groups casual dressy etc try to keep outfits together organize drawers — socks underwear t-shirts pajamas all in consistent places simplify clothing choices — all of the same kind of socks so they can always be matched make sure the cr’s shoes fit comfortably and that the bottoms of the shoes do not allow the cr to slip research companies on the internet that sell products for people with vision loss put raised adhesive-backed vinyl buttons onto certain numbers of the phone microwave tv control etc to help identify by feel research companies that sell a large print cell phone
Materials: Extra lamps lamps with adjustable arms a lighted visor different colored trash cans and wastebaskets raised adhesive-backed vinyl buttons internet access large print cell phones
Categories: Sage, Topic, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from vision blindness – coping tips from elder-one-stop com
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed