The Care recipient (cr) is visually impaired and is having trouble locating bedrooms and bathroom due to a dark hallway

Try: Use track lighting to increase illumination in a long hallway install a runner in a contrasting color down the center of the hallway to serve as a visual guide be sure to tack down the edges to avoid tripping put a rail along the length of the hall to act as a guide use different wall textures in halls and adjacent rooms to provide a tactile cue wallpapers and paints come in many textures paint door frames in a contrasting color to the walls to provide greater visibility

Materials: Track lighting runner in a contrasting color tacks rail different wall textures contrasting color of paint

Categories: Sage, Topic, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision

Information: n/a

References: A adapted from useful home adaptations for the blind and visually impaired from lowvision com

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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