Try: Use a large print high contrast keyboard use a clear font such as ariel or tahoma when writing make this the default font on the computer increase the size of the monitor set the cr’s incoming email to a font size that he she can see use a keyboard or mouse with a built-in magnifier use the magnifier in the accessories accessibility program of the computer use computer enlargement software the enlargement software is available with and without speech capabilities use voice recognition software programs that will allow the cr to dictate letters to the computer get computer training from a person who knows how to use computer programs for people with low vision
Materials: Large print high contrast keyboard keyboard or mouse with a built-in magnifier computer enlargement software program voice recognition software program computer training class
Categories: Sage, Topic, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision
Information: n/a
References: A adapted from useful home adaptations for the blind and visually impaired from lowvision com
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed