Try: #a wheeled walker with a shallow basket can be used to move items from place to place in the kitchen these wheeled walkers with baskets are sold in many drug stores and through medical supply stores usually their heights can be adjusted to the cr’s comfort to prevent stooping during use some models come with build-in seats #make sure the cr has a comfortable chair or stool in which to sit while preparing food the seat should put the cr at the proper height to work at a sink or table and should be sturdy and easy to get in and out of #remove throw rugs from the kitchen floor so the wheeled walker with basket can be moved easily across the floor also remove rugs between the kitchen and the dining area to lower the cr’s risk of falling #the cr can line the walker walker’s basket with a folded towel for extra safety when moving hot food from the stove or oven to a counter or table sturdy potholders can travel with the food as well
Materials: Sturdy wheeled walker with shallow basket seat optional comfortable stool for sitting thick towel
Categories: Maintenance, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed