Care recipient (cr) takes pride and pleasure in cooking even after changes in mental or physical ability lead to family members to worry about accuracy and safety in the kitchen

Try: #tell the cr that the family would like to take turns working with the cr on sunday afternoons to prepare dinner for the family let the cr know that family members are genuinely interested in spending time together cooking and sharing meals #make a schedule a family member takes a sunday to come early and help with dinner this will enable the cr to continue cooking with some assistance and lets the family assess how much difficulty the cr is having #make enough extra food to leave the cr with several days worth of meals store the food in small portions in containers that can easily be popped in the microwave or oven #if vision or slight memory problems are affecting the cr family members can help in the short term by reading recipes out loud as cooking occurs chopping vegetables and measuring dry ingredients

Materials: Family members calendar food time

Categories: Maintenance, Social, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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