Try: Assist the cr into a sitting position if possible if not position the cr on his or her side explain the task to the cr before and during mouth care wash your hands and put on a pair of disposable gloves place towels around the front of the cr’s neck and under his or her mouth fill a drinking glass half full of fresh water and moisten the tooth brush or several oral swabs apply a small amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush or oral swab ask the cr to open his or her mouth or gently open the mouth for the cr gently move the sponge or toothbrush from top gum down the upper teeth rinse the toothbrush or use another oral swab move the toothbrush or oral swab from bottom of gum to top of lower teeth until all teeth have been cleansed with clean toothbrush or new oral swab cleanse the tongue from back to front to remove any debris or thick oral secretions if the cr is able to rinse his or her mouth mix a small amount of mouthwash in water and ask the cr to rinse and spit into an empty glass if the cr is unable to rinse his or her mouth moisten an oral swab in a mixture of one part mouthwash to ten parts water and swab the mouth moisten lips with small amount of petroleum jelly or commercial lip moistening product remove the towel cleanse toothbrush and place on a paper towel to allow the brush to dry throw away used oral swabs remove disposable gloves and wash your hands remove the drinking glasses rinse and clean as usual
Materials: Disposable gloves soft toothbrush or oral swabs also called oral sponges toothpaste three drinking glasses pitcher of fresh water towel mouthwash
Categories: Sage, Topic, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from the head to toe care llc internet website www headtotoecare com mouth care 2009
Keywords: Bedbound teeth brushing teeth mouth mouth care dental care
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed