Try: A living will describes the type of medical care the cr desires and the conditions when life sustaining treatment should be administered or removed before the care recipient’s cr living will can have effect on his treatment it must be legally valid as a formal legal document living wills have specific requirements under state law state law varies but some basic principles apply the living will must be in writing not oral and must be signed by the cr many states require that two or more individuals witness the signing of the living will individuals with a potential conflict of interest spouse heirs medical providers are often not able to serve as a witness also state law may have special rules if the cr is a nursing home resident or another medical facility state law will often provide a model form for legal wills this can be helpful if the cr cannot afford an attorney or if time is critical if the cr has any questions encourage him or her to contact an attorney for legal advice information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Legal, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Legal medical treatment decisions
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed