Try: You should know if the Care recipient (cr) has an advance health care directive in case there is a major medical emergency in addition you should know the location of the advance health care directive in the event of a major medical emergency the document should be easy to get to advance health care directives are written directives that give direction or guidance for the cr’s medical care in the event that he or she is mentally incapacitated advance health care directives may either state the cr’s wishes regarding future treatment or can also appoint a surrogate decision maker to make medical decisions the documents can be written in a variety of ways some are very specific or formal these are often drafted by an attorney other directives are simple or vague some states have standardized forms that can be used as an advance health care directives the validity of the advance health care directive often turns on knowledge of its existence and the medical provider and family’s willingness to follow the directive although it is often legally binding violations may not be redressed unless someone brings it to a court’s attention information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Legal, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Capacity end of life decision making
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed