Try: Try having cr write down the 5 ws or you could try verbally cueing cr with the 5 ws the 5 ws are who what where when and why for example encourage cr to make take a message and write down all 5 points w’s of the message here’s an example who mom what call about lunch where meet at our favorite restaurant when friday at noon why to talk about vacation plans you could also make a phone message sheet with the 5 ws on your computer and print several out for cr or if cr is able to you could suggest that he she do this
Materials: Pen and paper
Categories: None
Information: # double check my work # write down information in my own words # ask myself do i want to be quick or accurate # when i get bored – stretch take a short break walk around # when i get angry – doodle take a break and then come back # decide on a menu # count number of people eating # look at the needed ingredients # look in the pantry for what you have # prepare shopping list and shop # follow recipe instructions and organize time # serve and eat meal # clean up
References: traumatic brain injury a guide for caregivers of service members and veterans – module 2 by the office of the u s surgeon general no date available at www traumaticbraininjuryatoz org
Keywords: Memory loss taking phone messages forgetful forgetfulness forgets
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed