Try: Copy of birth certificate preferable certified social security card medicare card if any health and dental insurance card s income tax returns marriage license divorce decree auto vehicle insurance card power of attorney the will living will healthcare directive attorney – list name address and phone bank
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Financial, Legal
Information: – name of bank address phone; account numbers and access codes as appropriate to power of attorney and executor responsibilities ira pension all retirement fund information financial advisor – list name address and phone accountant – if different from financial advisor insurance agent – list name address and phone list of all medical conditions doctor information – make a list of all doctors with names addresses and phones indicate who specifically is treating the conditions listed privacy release form – gives loved ones permission to discuss medical information with the cr’s doctors this form can be obtained from a doctor complete it and file it with each doctor’s office list of medications – include daily or weekly dosage which doctor prescribed it and which pharmacy prescription for eyeglasses or corrective lenses name of eye doctor etc list of allergies – include food medicine other copies of life insurance policies copies of long-term care insurance policies copies of actual health and dental insurance policies outlining coverage and parameters copies of homeowners insurance policies copies of auto and vehicle insurance policies any other insurance information employer information if the cr is working business information if the cr owns or is a partner in a business military discharge citizenship documents information on all sources of income list of credit cards contact information and amount owed list of all debts contact information and amounts owed information
References: A adapted from estate planning checklist from elder-one-stop com
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed