Try: Take advantage of senior citizen discounts that businesses offer before the cr buys something he should ask the clerk if the business has a senior citizen discount make budgeting a challenging game get family members and grandkids involved in helping the cr look for ways to save money give cr choices for example cr can have both the starbucks coffee and an expensive glass of wine but not both on the same day avoid unlimited access to investment funds set up direct deposits from investments into the cr’s checking account this gives the cr a consistent paycheck and helps prevent overspending use government and nonprofit organizations to save on food costs for example benefit programs such as the one offered by angel food ministries allows the cr to get quality food for half the price this is not a need based program so the cr won’t have to go through any qualification process to use the benefit
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Categories: Sage, Topic, Financial
Information: n/a
References: over 55 budgeting tips just for you by dana anspach available at
Keywords: Budgeting saving money low income limited income
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed