Care recipient (cr) lives on a limited income and needs to find ways to budget and save money

Try: Consider housing alternatives for example roommates offer companionship and helps the cr save money cr can find retired roommates and travel partners online consider trading in the high maintenance house yard for a condo or apartment in an active living community; somewhere where the cr can walk to shopping and entertainment look for ways to use public transportation when available talk to neighbors to see if there are opportunities to carpool try to find local markets within walking or biking distance consider using senior home exchange to save money when vacationing senior home exchange allows cr to swapp homes with people all over the world cr can even swap motor homes to keep medical expenses down learn how to stay healthy and fit get a gym membership or taking healthy cooking classes at a community college avoid using credit cards try to pay cash as much as possible to avoid having too much debt

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Financial

Information: n/a

References: over 55 budgeting tips just for you by dana anspach available at

Keywords: Budgeting saving money low income limited income

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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