Try: Some cr cr’s do not feel that a will is necessary however if an individual dies without a will his or her assets will be distributed according to the laws of the state of residence state law may not be consistent with the wishes of the deceased this is an important factor to consider regardless of the value of the assets sometimes the sentimental value is greater than the actual value; and the cr may not want to be left at the mercy of state law in their distribution some cr cr’s believe they do not have enough assets to need a will while this may be partially true there are usually some belongings like automobiles or employer life insurance policies that do not have a beneficiary encourage the cr to make a list of everything he or she owns and check with past employers about any policies some cr cr’s believe that it will be too expensive to prepare a will however a reputable attorney can prepare a short will for only a few hundred dollars many authorities express the opinion that this is money well spent a will can also be self-prepared for free using resources from the internet and so on however it is important to check with state and local laws to ensure legitimacy
Materials: n/a
Categories: Financial, Legal
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from information found in the book caring for an aging parent by sheryl garret cfp
Keywords: Estate planning will finances
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed