Care recipient (cr) because of age disability marital status is aggressively preyed upon by door-to-door solicitors and telemarketers many of whom are making deceptive offers and trying to defraud the cr of money or identity materials verbal agreement between the cr and caregiver call screening device peephole script

Try: #let the cr know that there are people and businesses who specifically target people in certain age groups with sales ads or schemes knowing what the concerns of the elderly are #make an agreement with the cr that before spending money or sharing personal

Materials: Moisturizing soaps lotion without alcohol as an ingredient humidifier non-scented laundry detergent

Categories: Financial, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware

Information: With any salesperson at the door the cr will get something in writing and discuss the offer with you any offer that does not come with written material and time to consider it is too good to be true #if the cr finds it difficult to end telemarketing calls or to tell the difference between a call from a predator and a legitimate business install a machine or subscribe to a service that allows all calls to be screened some phones allow messages to be heard as they are being left letting the cr ignore the call unless the caller’s name or voice was recognized #install a peephole in any door at which solicitors are likely to appear some will deliberately dress casually as if they are workmen in the neighborhood who just happened to notice something at the cr’s house that needs fixing #encourage the cr not to open the door to anyone he or she doesn’t expect or doesn’t recognize if a service utility or social worker is expected the cr should request that the person show a work identification badge before he or she is allowed into the home #informally help the cr come up with a script or phrases to use to turn away aggressive solicitors or telemarketers having a script one has already rehearsed is very useful for preparing the cr to respond well and self-protectively when necessary a useful phrase might be i don’t make any financial decisions without consulting my son or daughter and he or she is not available #remind the cr if necessary post a note near the phone never to give callers or visitors personal information including social security number bank-related numbers or vacation plans if the cr lives alone this information should also be protected only give out a last name and address if necessary to arranging legitimate personal business information

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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