Simple partial seizures can be common in some care recipients cr especially those with epilepsy doctors often divide simple partial seizures into categories depending on…

Try: Simple partial seizures can be common in some care recipients cr especially those with epilepsy doctors often divide simple partial seizures into categories depending on the type of symptoms the cr experiences motor seizures these cause a change in muscle activity for example a cr may have abnormal movements such as jerking of a finger or stiffening of part of the body these movements may spread either staying on one side of the body opposite the affected area of the brain or extending to both sides other examples are weakness which can even affect speech and coordinated actions such as laughter or automatic hand movements the cr may or may not be aware of these movements sensory seizures these cause changes in any one of the senses crs with sensory seizures may smell or taste things that aren’t there; hear clicking ringing or a person person’s voice when there is no actual sound; or feel a sensation of pins and needles or numbness seizures may even be painful for some crs they may feel as if they are floating or spinning in space they may have visual hallucinations seeing things that aren’t there a spot of light a scene with people they also may experience illusions, distortions of true sensations autonomic seizures these cause changes in the part of the nervous system that automatically controls bodily functions these common seizures may include strange or unpleasant sensations in the stomach chest or head; changes in the heart rate or breathing; sweating; or goose bumps psychic seizures these seizures change how people think feel or experience things they may have problems with memory garbled speech an inability to find the right word or trouble understanding spoken or written language the cr may suddenly feel emotions like fear depression or happiness with no outside reason information references

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Seizure epilepsy

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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