Try: Pets can be beneficial to a Care recipient (cr) however not every cr is a good fit for a pet the cr will benefit most from having a pet whose needs are compatible with the cr’s lifestyle and physical capabilities the following are things to consider before getting a pet for the cr little outdoor activity – if the cr is mainly home bound consider pets that would be happy to stay inside high activity level – if the cr is still relatively active a dog may be a good fit canine companions thrive on outdoor exercise keeping the cr moving age of the cr – cr’s that are significantly older will not want an active puppy or kitten also avoid large or out of control dogs other animals in household – consider the ongoing happiness and ability to adjust of the pets already in the environment not all pets go well together living environment – if the cr’s environment must be kept clean many types of pets are not appropriate you may want to choose pets that are confined to their quarters such as fish birds hamsters or reptiles time issues – keep in mind the time commitment required to adequately care for a pet also many pets may live for years longer than the cr information references helpguide org
Materials: n/a
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Personal, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Pets activity dementia alzheimer alzheimer’s
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed