Try: Menopause is the transition period in a woman woman’s life when her ovaries stop producing eggs her body produces less estrogen and progesterone and menstruation becomes less frequent and eventually stops in some women periods stop suddenly but usually periods stop slowly over time during this time periods generally become either more closely together or more widely apart this irregularity may last for 1 – 3 years before periods stop before this the cycle length may shorten to as little as every 3 weeks menopause is a natural event that normally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 once menopause is complete and a woman has not had a period for 1 year she is no longer able to get pregnant common symptoms of menopause common symptoms of menopause include heart pounding or racing hot flashes night sweats skin flushing sleeping problems decreased interest in sex possibly decreased response to sexual stimulation forgetfulness in some women irregular periods mood swings including irritability depression and anxiety urine leakage vaginal dryness and painful sexual intercourse vaginal infections joint aches and pains irregular heartbeat diagnosing and treating menopause blood and urine tests can be used to measure changes in hormone levels that may signal when a woman is close to menopause or has already gone through menopause a pelvic exam may indicate changes in the vaginal lining caused by declining estrogen levels treatment with hormones may be helpful if you have severe symptoms such as hot flashes night sweats mood issues or vaginal dryness every woman is different so treating menopause is a different process for each woman if you have a uterus and decide to take estrogen you must also take progesterone to prevent cancer of the lining of the uterus if you do not have a uterus progesterone is not necessary women under age 55 and who are still having periods and experience annoying menopause symptoms may take low-dose birth control pills to reduce the symptoms reducing the symptoms of menopause there are many things a woman can do to reduce her symptoms without taking hormones these include avoid caffeine alcohol and spicy foods dress lightly and in layers eat soy foods get adequate calcium and vitamin d in food and or supplements get plenty of exercise perform kegel exercises daily to strengthen the muscles of your vagina and pelvis practice slow deep breathing whenever a hot flash starts to come on try taking six breaths per minute remain sexually active try relaxation techniques such as yoga tai chi or meditation use water-based lubricants during sexual intercourse information references adapted from belinda rowland and teresa g odle 2005 "menopause " available at
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Gender, Female
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Menopause hot flashes going through the change sleeplessness mood swings irritable depression anxiety
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed