Fear of death is a common concern of many care recipients cr however death is an inescapable part of life, and if it hasn’t happened…

Try: Fear of death is a common concern of many care recipients cr however death is an inescapable part of life, and if it hasn’t happened already chances are you’ll be called upon to help a parent spouse friend or other loved one through the process of dying while difficult it is an opportunity to help the cr make the most of his final years months and days the following are common fears the cr may have the fear the process of dying make sure the cr knows that he will experience little or no pain unless he chooses to pain management is a service that hospice facilities are especially strong in providing staff members are trained to interpret what patients need using verbal and nonverbal cues and they will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each option with patients and their families the fear loss of control encourage the cr to live a normal lifestyle for as long as possible, a life-threatening or terminal diagnosis does not change who the cr fundamentally is when it becomes clear that the cr will need to accept care from others arrange for her to meet and get to know her caregivers in advance the fear loss of loved ones how to dispel it only the cr cr’s loved ones can alleviate this fear be willing to frankly discuss with the cr what will happen to everyone when he dies and do everything you can to reassure him that you will be okay the fear others reactions how to dispel it it it’s natural to feel fear and sadness when faced with the loss of a loved one but after the initial shock has worn off try to behave normally remember it it’s not all about you make sure that all caregivers are getting enough sleep exercise and emotional support since the strain of not receiving them is evident in both appearance and demeanor the fear isolation how to dispel it quite simply make sure that regular visits with close friends family members and other volunteers are scheduled especially if medical appointments have decreased because a cure for the cr is no longer possible the fear the unknown how to dispel it everyone even the greatest self-professed skeptic wonders what will happen to them after they take their last breaths addressing this concern has physical emotional and spiritual implications even if the cr is not religious consider asking a priest rabbi minister pastor etc to speak with the cr the fear life has been meaningless how to dispel it people who are leaving this world need to hear that they are valued and that they won’t be forgotten don’t miss the chance to tell the cr how much you love her and remind her of all the good she brought to your life reassure her that her life had purpose and meaning and encourage others to do the same either in person or through cards and letters information references agingcare com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Spiritual

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: End of life death

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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