Try: Diet and exercise impact the sleep habits of care recipients cr to promote good sleep pay particular attention to your pre-bedtime diet the following are bedtime diet suggestions to improve sleep limit caffeine late in the day avoid caffeine from coffee tea soft drinks and chocolate late in the day avoid alcohol before bedtime don’t use alcohol as a sleeping aid it might seem to make you sleepy but will disrupt your sleep satisfy your hunger prior to bed have a light snack such as crackers cereal and milk or yogurt or warm milk avoid big meals or spicy foods just before bedtime large or spicy meals may lead to indigestion or discomfort try to eat a modest-size dinner at least three hours before bedtime minimize liquid intake before sleep limit what you drink within the hour and a half before bedtime regular exercise is also important to healthy sleep exercise releases chemicals in the body that promote more restful sleep there are four main types of exercise endurance activities such as walking swimming or riding a bike increase the heart rate and breathing to improve health strength exercises build muscle tissue and reduce age-related muscle loss stretching exercises keep the body limber and flexible allowing a greater range of motion in the older cr balance exercises build leg muscles to reduce the chances of a fall while crs need some of each type of exercise studies have shown that participating in moderate endurance aerobic activity can have the greatest impact on improving sleep note always consult a physician before embarking on any new fitness program information references helpguide org
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Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical
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Keywords: Sleep exercise diet
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed