Changes during daylight savings time can impact the Care recipient (cr) the following are tips to help the cr transition to the changes during daylight savings time

Try: Gradually transition into the time change to minimize the impact of the switch to daylight saving time make gradual adjustments have the cr go to bed 15 minutes early starting several days before the change make an extra effort to be well-rested the week before the time change give yourself a sleep break after the time change if you feel sleepy after the change to daylight saving time take a short nap in the afternoon but not too close to bedtime avoid sleeping in an hour longer in the mornings know how much sleep you need not everyone requires the same amount of sleep to be well-rested and sleep requirements can change with age to find your ideal number of hours sleep without an alarm on weekends and see when you wake up naturally keep regular sleep hours go to bed and wake up at the same time each day this helps your body regulate its sleep pattern and get the most out of the hours you sleep if possible try to wake up at the same time on the weekends too which makes monday mornings easier to bear you can also see how a nap affects your sleep quality for some napping can make it harder to sleep but for others a short nap 20 minutes can be revitalizing without ruining their night night’s sleep get some exercise during the day even moderate exercise such as walking can help you sleep better only exercise if the cr is able but avoid exercise within three hours of bedtime

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Webmd com

Keywords: Daylight savings adjust sleep

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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