Care recipient (cr) won’t let others help him her when needed

Try: Show empathy cr may be trying to maintain an illusion of independence by exerting one of his her remaining powers that of using the word no express that you understand and appreciate that it it’s difficult to need help be creative call an aide a housekeeper find a personal assistant who also does hair and pitch her services through that description get a persuasive third party involved cr may ignore your help but listen to the appeals of a neighbor friend clergyperson or more senior relative extol the benefits help cr get past viewing help as being symbolic of loss by talking up what he she will gain if you let me automate your bills you’ll probably make fewer errors and have more time for things you like to do like reading or if an aide helps you with bathing we won’t argue so much over the way i do it and that that’s a big plus for both of us

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from www caring com how to handle difficult behaviors by f paula spencer scott no date

Keywords: Help bullhead bullheaded stubborn stubbornness

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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