Try: Let the cr know that the concerns about noise are taken seriously and you will help reduce the noise whenever possible explain to the cr that it is not always possible to lessen the noise level in certain environments when the level of noise starts to cause anxiety ask the cr to wear noise-reducing headphones headphones work very well in reducing noise but you may want to make sure the the cr would still be able to hear life saving noises such as a fire alarms while wearing them a less expensive way to reduce the noise level would be for the cr to use ear plugs instead of headphones foam ear plugs are sold in many drug stores if noise from entertainment systems is irritating give the cr books magazines and newspapers to read instead of using audiovisual materials instead of a movie the cr could read a book following the news is possible online and print and audio features can be adjusted for the cr cr’s comfort finally in bookstores and libraries many books are now in large print if the cr’s eyesight is poor
Materials: Noise-reducing headphones or ear plugs books magazines and newspapers to read in print or online
Categories: Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed