Try: Avoid crowds by dining out just before or after rush times plan to dine the hour after a restaurant is most crowded for breakfast or lunch or the hour before a restaurant starts filling up for dinner when dining out state your need for a table out of a traffic path away from the entry door or in a quieter room ask for this whether you call ahead to make a reservation or walk in and wait to be seated at home be mindful of the cr cr’s anxiety when planning parties if you don’t choose to limit the kind of entertaining that would cause the cr anxiety then make sure the cr has private quiet room to retreat to throughout the occasion consider keeping one bathroom and the cr cr’s bedroom off limits to other people and make it clear in advance that these are the cr cr’s private areas on a day when the cr might need to use the room as a retreat make sure there are some ways for the cr to entertain him or herself while there if the cr is part of a large family or community that is baffled by the cr cr’s desire to avoid gatherings help the cr find a way to talk about his or her needs perhaps the cr can come and leave early or just briefly visit hosts and hostesses are likely to be tolerant if they understand why the cr needs their understanding
Materials: n/a
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed