Care recipient (cr) acts and behaves as if he or she has little value

Try: Remind cr of his or her past accomplishments suggest the cr make a lists of recent accomplishments discuss the skills and resources the cr useded for these accomplishments encourage the cr to make a list of what he or she would like to accomplish in the future remind the cr that he or she already has the skills he or she needs to be successful at accomplishing things in the future encourage the cr to establish ties with people who were involved in his or her past accomplishments colleagues vets parishioners etc encourage the cr to do some volunteer work church civic social networking etc encourage the cr to think about good memories photo albums collected news articles wedding albums etc assist the cr with making a list of talents skills and interests he or she has encourage the cr to set daily goals that use these talents skills and interests

Materials: Note pad or journal pen or pencil photo albums

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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