Try: #a cr who speaks frequently about a former job house car status special skill or who mourns the loss of youth beauty a marriage or a relationship may have based a sense of worth on external changeable things #feeling more aware of a sense of worthlessness after loss of any of those things a cr may take high risks with health become depressed brag obsess about looks or stay stuck for a while talking and focusing on the loss #a compassionate listener will reflect back to the cr the emotional tone underneath the focus it sounds as if you loved that house and really miss living in it #a compassionate listener will also hear what the cr is not talking about the current life experience asking questions in a non-judgmental way about the cr’s present life allows the cr to think aloud about the new conditions it’s true that being young and beautiful opens a lot of doors and i understand why you feel you are treated unfairly at work because of your age but you probably have some advantages because of your age over your younger co-workers do you find you have wisdom they don’t have #if a cr shows ongoing signs of depression let the cr know you are concerned and begin a conversation with the cr about discussing the depression with a doctor or seeking some kind of counseling or therapy even if on a short-term basis #if you think depression puts the cr at risk of self-harm call a doctor or a crisis line using your best judgment as to whether to inform the cr your decision may be influenced by the cr’s ability to understand or process
Materials: Caregiver compassion loving listening healthcare provider evaluation of depression
Categories: Emotional Psychological
Information: Make decisions or behave rationally at the time of your concern information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed