caregiver (cg) is looking for ways to communicate more effectively with Care recipient (cr)

Try: Listen carefully while at the same time give plenty of encouragement don’t hurry or rush to fill in the blanks as the cr is talking unless not being able to think of a specific word or phrase is making the cr frustrated in that case gently suggest a word that can be used don’t try speaking until you are sure you have the full attention of the cr at all times show respect for the cr with your tone and your words don’t give negative body language such as sighs or raised eyebrows while cr is speaking pay attention to the body language of the cr if they project sadness a gentle touch will convey concern and empathy speak clearly and slowly give the cr ample time to process your words before you go on

Materials: n/a

Categories: Communication

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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