Try: Tour the cr’s house to determine the number of headsets that you potentially need to stay in touch buy a cordless phone system with the required number of handsets and an intercom feature this type of phone system is fairly inexpensive and can be easily found in most department stores drug stores and electronics stores some of the packaged phone systems come with a base and up to three extensions additional extensions can be purchased separately for an extra charge you should be able to get the exact number of headsets that you need read the manufacturer’s instructions before attempting to set up the phone system in the cr’s home the base will usually have a digital answering machine it is best that it be placed where it is seen on a regular basis and upon coming home after being away it does not necessarily need to be placed next to the cr the extension phones will usually be set up as headset 1 headset 2 headset 3 and so on the extension can be very easily called on the in-house intercom system by simply picking up the phone and dialing the extension number that the caller wants put one of the phone handsets in the location where the cr spends a majority of his or her time you may want to consider putting a handset in an alternative location if the cr splits a majority of time between two different locations place an index card with all of the extension numbers and locations next to all of the phones make sure that the cr knows where the card is and can easily get to it when you leave the immediate area where the cr is let the cr know where you are going for example i’m going to the kitchen to make dinner or i’m going to the bathroom to take a shower instruct the cr to call you on one of the phone extensions when help is needed this system has some limitations the cr may not be able to reach you if you are not near the extension and unable to hear it using a wireless doorbell system may cost more but would provide a better alternative to using wireless phone extensions
Materials: Wireless phone system with multiple handsets and an intercom feature index cards and pen
Categories: Communication, Medical Physical, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Emergency response system security alert first alert intercom
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed