Try: #sometimes the cr who is faced with a major decision will go into gridlock and be unable to deal with it without the caregiver helping out #assure the cr that you are available to help make an informed decision every step of the way #it is sometimes helpful to take a big decision or task and break it down into smaller decisions or task this is sometimes called the salami approach you start out with a big of salami and slice it up into smaller more manageable pieces you don’t try to tackle the big piece of salami all at once #once you have reduced the major decision down to a list of smaller decisions get all of the pertinent facts work on one decision at a time stay on task and do not get off track failure to do your research and homework can lead to poor decisions in some cases it is just simply a matter of finding the right person who has the expertise and
Materials: n/a
Categories: Communication, Emotional Psychological, Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision
Information: #the next step is to review all of the information and weigh the various alternatives in order to do this you need to determine what the cr’s priorities are in making a major decision about moving to an assisted living community which of the following factors is the most important quality of care cost amenities activities location or proximity to family members #next work with the cr to make a decision about the alternative that best meets the cr’s priorities this may take some time and you will need to insure that the cr stays on track #the cr may become frustrated confused and discouraged along the way be the encourager remain upbeat throughout the whole process and reinforce the decisions made #by following this process on each smaller decision the cr and you will eventually be able to make the major decision and hopefully feel good about it #it is also helpful if you continually remind the cr of the ultimate goal and that it is within sight for example in making the choice of an assisted living facility remind the cr how nice it will be after the choice is made and the move is complete to have three good meals prepared each day laundry and housekeeping services new friends and adventures etc information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed