Try: When the time is right discuss the grieving process with cr discuss the different ways that people go through the grieving process discuss your own experiences with losses of loved ones and how the passing of time helped ease the pain ask cr about the deceased person person’s life spiritul faith family career leisure time activities and so on this will help you reminisce about the deceased with cr although cliches may sound corny they are true and may actually help cr time heals all wounds the person is in a better place and there is no more suffering visit the deceased loved one one’s grave with cr and share in the grieving process help cr clean out the house and personal belongings of the deceased if cr asks for assistance don’t automatically assume cr wants help tell cr that memories will last forever if there is a concern about forgetting help cr put together a photo album of the deceased and schedule one day each month to look over the album help cr focus on new life experiences after the loved one passes away the cr may be freer to travel and do things with other people this is especially true if cr was the primary caregiver for the deceased individual find out about cr cr’s spiritual values and offer to pray with him or her if appropriate encourage cr to consider counseling with clergy who are generally more acceptable to an elderly population than a therapist if cr continues to be despondent he or she may need to consult with a doctor about anti-depressant medications that would help with situational depression and mood swings
Materials: n/a
Categories: Communication, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Social, Spiritual, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Grief depression caregiving loss deceased counseling
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed