Care recipient (cr) feels stressed out and needs to find the humor in his her everyday life

Try: Suggest that cr try to see the humor in being in his her situation suggest that cr write on a card have you laughed today and place it in a conspicuous place in the bathroom or kitchen this will help remind cr to laugh or find something funny to enjoy help cr find and read funny books or jokes listen to funny tapes or watch humorous movies or videos that make him her laugh; suggest that cr share something humorous with a friend or relative encourage cr to attend social groups where there is a lot of comeraderie joy and fun; suggest that cr be aware of how often he she smiles; then remind cr that it takes much less energy to smile than to frown

Materials: Index card pen joke books comedy tapes cds videos

Categories: Sage, Topic, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Personal, Social

Information: n/a

References: caregiver’s handbook by the caregiver education and support services seniors counseling and training case management services of the san diego county mental health services no date available at www acsu buffalo edu

Keywords: Humor laugh laughter smile humorous stress

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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