Try: Home adaptation involves modification of the care recipient recipient’s cr cr’s house apartment or room so that he or she can be safe comfortable and remain independent for as long as possible modifying the current house is often less expensive than moving the cr to another house or to some form of senior housing community independent living assisted living skilled care or memory care before you can move forward with adapting the cr cr’s home it is important to assess all relevant factors so that you can make an informed decision regarding the specific adaptations that need to be made the major factors to consider are risk factors in the cr this includes the cr cr’s overall physical and mental health conditions and disabilities the cr cr’s house and any potential problems that may be encountered the cr cr’s ability to perform essential living activities such as eating and bathing in the house the cr cr’s ability to perform other important living activities such as preparing meals and doing the laundry there may be other factors that need to be considered in addition to what is listed above every cr is unique along with the house that he or she lives in risk factors in the cr that need to be considered poor vision problems with depth perception hearing problems decrease in sensitivity to heat pain and pressure physical weakness cognitive impairment incontinence risk factors in the cr cr’s house that need to be considered once the cr cr’s living space has been analyzed it is easier to determine the potential modifications stairs and steps bathrooms kitchens basements narrow hallways essential living activities to consider knowing the cr’s ability to perform these functions will help determine the home’s necessary adaptations maintaining continence eating getting in and out of bed using the toilet bathing regularly dressing other important living activities to consider knowing the cr’s ability to perform these functions will help determine the home’s necessary adaptations this is not an exclusive list however here are some of the important functions that a semi-independent cr must be able to perform moving around the house using the telephone preparing meals cleaning doing laundry taking medications managing finances information references adapted from the internet website www howtocare com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Home modification home safety independence
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed