Home adaptation involves adapting a home so that a Care recipient (cr) can remain in the home home modifications for cr’s with dementia must to…

Try: Home adaptation involves adapting a home so that a Care recipient (cr) can remain in the home home modifications for cr’s with dementia must to take into account the physical changes cognitive deficits and behaviors associated with dementia examples include memory loss wandering and confusion among others focus on safety and the cr’s individual situation the following are general home modification options for cr’s with dementia install a home alarm system add dead-bolts and chain locks to exit doors install alarms on bedroom doors install a portable motion detector in the bedroom or near exits keep yards fenced and locked keep outside lights off at night simplify the environment , remove distracting objects post signs symbols and pictures on doors to identify the purpose of rooms mark a clear path from the bedroom to the bathroom leave a night light on in the bathroom install bright even lighting throughout the home information references

Materials: n/a

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Financial, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Dementia home house

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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