Try: Epilepsy has an impact on the care recipient’s cr brain which can in turn affect moods and behaviors epilepsy and seizures have probably changed the crs moods and behavior whether you realize it or not how they affect behavior depends on how long the cr has had epilepsy and on the stage in life changes caused by seizures seizures can cause many long-lasting mood changes two of the most common changes are becoming depressed or anxious these two disorders can be closely related some experts say that between 30 and 70 of people with epilepsy have depression anxiety or both depression and anxiety are each like a puzzle for example the roots of depression may be made up of different factors including genetic influences changes in neurotransmitters and hormones or unusual patterns of sleep and wakefulness problems of attitude unhelpful reactions to stressful life events lack of social support marital troubles or trouble with friends or family members crs with epilepsy have to deal with two more pieces seizures and brain abnormalities these two pieces can cause other pieces to appear that weren’t there before another common behavior change in the cr is a loss of interest in sex on average the sexual activity level of crs with epilepsy is about the same as for others but some who used to be sexually active find that their sexual interests and activity levels have drastically changed information references epilepsy com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Epilepsy seizure mood
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed