Try: The Care recipient (cr) with aphasia may have one of many forms there are different types of aphasia each type can cause impairment that varies from mild to severe common types of aphasia expressive aphasia with expressive aphasia the cr knows what he wants to say yet has difficulty communicating it to others it doesn’t matter whether the cr is trying to say or write what he is trying to communicate receptive aphasia with receptive aphasia the cr can hear a voice or read the print but may not understand the meaning of the message oftentimes someone with receptive aphasia takes figurative language literally anomic aphasia with anomic aphasia the cr has word-finding difficulties because of the difficulties the cr struggles with an inability to find the right words for speaking and writing global aphasia this is the most severe type of aphasia it is often seen right after a cr has a stroke with global aphasia the cr has difficulty speaking and understanding words in addition the cr is unable to read or write information references adapted from www webmd com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Aphasia loss of speech stroke
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed