Epilepsy can affect the care recipient’s cr moods and behaviors changes caused by the crs experience with epilepsy some people find that the biggest change…

Try: Epilepsy can affect the care recipient’s cr moods and behaviors changes caused by the crs experience with epilepsy some people find that the biggest change when they learn they have epilepsy is a change in their quality of life the cr’s satisfaction can be affected by mood disorders such as depression by the types of changes in her life life and by the number of seizures she has had recently in fact depression is the greatest predictor of your quality of life for crs with temporal lobe epilepsy the major stumbling blocks in the way of achieving a good quality of life seem to be feelings of dependence emotional impairment and less developed coping skills other studies have looked at all patients with epilepsy and have found the leading factors to be loneliness adjustment coping psychological distress and perception of stigma a new diagnosis of epilepsy is a major event that can dramatically affect your quality of life if you previously valued your health strength and mind suddenly they are not dependable you have new work to do, managing your seizures taking medications and so on positive aspects of your self-image how you see yourself can disappear without being replaced by other equally valued positive aspects situations and places that seemed safe and brought joy can instead cause panic and fear of seizures all these changes can affect your quality of life but if you find a new way to cope with them your quality of life will not be permanently affected and you can live happily again changes caused by others reactions to the cr’s epilepsy the reaction of the cr’s family and friends is important many crs have most social interactions with family so how family members react to epilepsy makes a huge difference in how satisfying your life is ideally family and friends should treat epilepsy as an occasional inconvenience rather than a perpetual tragedy especially if seizures are well controlled social workers psychiatrists and psychologists are available to help with family issues caused by epilepsy family members who are having trouble coping with your epilepsy also may be greatly helped by joining one of the many support groups available for people in similar situations the cr’s workplace fear of facing discrimination or of being fired prevents many people with epilepsy from telling their employers about it sadly this fear is not unfounded; studies have shown that crs with epilepsy can face discrimination information references epilepsy com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Seizure epilepsy mood

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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