Try: #learn to use a glucometer from a nurse in the cr’s primary care doctor or endocrinologist’s office ask for a range of numbers within which the cr cr’s blood sugar levels are recommended to stay #test blood sugar levels before breakfast lunch dinner and bedtime or as directed by the doctor specializing in diabetic care remind the cr that blood sugar levels need to be taken regularly #keep low-sugar snacks available such as saltine crackers pretzels and fresh vegetables many grocery stores offer low sugar and low- carbohydrate snacks #avoid serving too many starchy carbohydrates at one time as this can cause blood glucose sugar to go too high starchy carbohydrates include potatoes bread pasta cereal peas cake and cookies #consult the cr’s doctor if blood sugar levels stay elevated above the range recommended for the cr #when a cr cr’s snacking between meals threatens to keep blood sugar too high consider switching the meal plan from three regular meals a day to five or six smaller meals a day or redirect the cr’s attention to a box that offers distracting activities such as simple games or folding napkins or small towels #use a calm voice and resist getting overwhelmed by the cr’s behavior #if the cr is not interested in a sit-down activity offer to stretch and walk with the cr
Materials: Caregiver who can use a glucometer training on glucometer if needed glucometer a device that measures blood sugar level low sugar and low-carbohydrate snacks toys appropriate for adults with dementia squishy balls light-up balls simple puzzles etc unfolded cloth napkins and small towels clear box for toys
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed