Try: #roll the cr on to left side the cr can help by bending up the right leg so that the caregiver standing on the left side can gently pull on the cr’s back from the right shoulder level and the right buttock the caregiver may also help roll the cr by gently pulling on the bent right leg and buttock #with the cr rolled to the left side roll sheets from the right side of the bed to the cr’s back fit the clean bottom sheet to the right side corners of the mattress roll up the yet-unused clean sheet so it’s behind the dirty sheets already at the cr’s back #roll the cr to the right side using the same method as above the cr should pass over both the dirty and clean sheets #remove all the dirty linen #unroll the clean sheet the cr just rolled over and pull it over the left side of the bed #finish fitting the sheet to the mattress and add top sheet and blanket to the bed use this method to change incontinence pads as well
Materials: Sheets and blanket draw sheet sheet that is about the length of the cr’s trunk incontinence pad if needed
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Personal, Mobility, Immobile, Independence, Maximum Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed