Family caregiver (cg) needs advice on how to set boundaries in the house television watching computer use and emphasize the duties of a part time respite cg

Try: It helps to have everything written down to eliminate questions or concerns this will make the respite of the primary cg more enjoyable because your phone won’t constantly ring if there is a problem be very specific in conveying to the respite cg just how you want them to spend their time realize that you are paying for your time away and you can expect certain duties to be performed make a list of the activities for the cr that you want accomplished during this time and include any tips that you have discovered that would make it easier the activities and chores should be listed in order or importance be very specific on what you will allow and what you will not allow the respite cg to do if they have any free time; such as television or computer usage telephone conversations loud music or snacks and where they are located

Materials: n/a

Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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