Care giver cg needs information on how to find a local cg support group

Try: Ask other cgs if they go to any groups check local chapters of disease-specific organizations such as the alzheimer alzheimer’s association or the multiple sclerosis society contact the american self-help clearinghouse ask local religious service agencies contact the local area agency on aging talk to the social service department of the local or area hospital contact the well spouse foundation 800-838-0879 to get a list of available support groups contact the children of aging parents – national self-help clearing house 212-354-8525 to get a current list of support groups for cgs

Materials: Pen and paper phone internet

Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support

Information: n/a

References: A adapted from caregiver support groups your caregiver support options from seniormag com

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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