The Care recipient (cr) may have difficulty with eating food the following tips are designed to help make eating simpler for the cr

Try: Make eating simple use bowls and cups that are larger than the portion of food use bowls rather than plates set place with only utensils that are needed use bowls or plates that are different in color from the placemat to help the person easily locate the place use brightly colored placemats place a damp washcloth under the plate to keep it from sliding don’t use plastic utensils they are too light to manipulate easily and may break in the person’s mouth try bendable straws or cups with lids and spouts for liquids use mugs for soups or stews be sure to get mugs with big enough handles for easy holding use assistive devices such as large handled silverware plates with suction cups on bottom plates with rims or buy white plastic tubing which may be cut and fit on utensils found through medical supply stores serve ‘finger foods’ such as french fries cheese small sandwiches chicken or pork kebobs fried chicken fresh fruits or vegetables even very impaired crs often manage finger foods well try yawning or asking the person to say ‘ah’ if he she won’t open mouth put a bite of food to lips as stimulus to open mouth

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Eating

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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