The Care recipient (cr) may have difficulty with chewing and swallowing food the following tips are designed to help with chewing and swallowing issues

Try: For chewing problems try light pressure on lips or under chin to get started give verbal instructions i e ‘chew now and now swallow ‘ demonstrate chewing make sure the cr is in a comfortable position avoid sticky foods such as bananas peanut butter white bread avoid foods that fall apart or have tough skins such as nuts moisten foods with sauces gravy water some medications cause dry mouth served chopped soft foods offer small bites one at a time for swallowing problems remind to swallow with each bite stroke the throat gently check mouth periodically for food stored in cheek omit foods that are hard to chew and swallow such as popcorn nuts raw vegetables offer small bites one at a time allow plenty of time between each bite keep liquids at room temperature moisten foods for choking problems with liquids try thicker liquids such as apricot juice or milk shakes make cooked cereal with milk or water to help hydration keep liquids at room temperature notify your doctor of this problem for choking problems with solid foods try soft cooked foods such as scrambled eggs canned fruit cottage cheese frozen yogurt jello made with orange juice and fruits chopped chicken mashed potatoes applesauce notify your doctor of this problem

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Eating

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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