The behavior of people with dementia can be the most distressing part of the disease the following are some guidelines to assist in the management of difficult behaviors caregivers have found these tips helpful in thinking through a problem

Try: Restrict the first thing we often try is to get the cr to stop whatever he she is doing this is especially important when the person might harm himself or someone else but trying to make the cr stop may upset him her more reassess ask yourself might a physical illness or drug reaction be causing the problem might the person be having difficulty seeing or hearing is something upsetting him her could the annoying person or object be removed might a different approach upset the person less reconsider ask yourself how things must seem from the cr’s point of view people with dementia are often unaware of the extent of their impairment when you try to bathe or dress someone who does not understand that he needs help he may get upset the cr’s anxiety is understandable when things are going on that he can’t make sense of

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Mace n l & robins p v 1999 adapted from the 36-hour day the johns hopkins university press baltimore md

Keywords: Dementia

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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