Drooling is a common problem in some older or ill care recipients cr drooling is saliva flowing outside the mouth with the elderly crs a…

Try: Drooling is a common problem in some older or ill care recipients cr drooling is saliva flowing outside the mouth with the elderly crs a common health complication develops with age known as sialorrhea excessive drooling medically described as an uncontrollable drooling associated with an over production of saliva it is most common in the cr who has experienced a complication involving the facial muscle and nerve involvement such as that found in a stroke patient among the elderly population who suffer from excessive drooling the complication is generally confirmed in diagnosis following the development of a health complication such as a stroke with excessive saliva the secondary complications may include chapping of the lips and the associated area outside of the mouth resulting in infections of the mouth and a foul odor or extremely bad breath for many of the elderly crs especially those who are engaged in social activities there is some embarrassment associated with severe drooling as a result the excessive saliva can lead to secondary psychological complications including depression anxiety and isolation information references www myoptumhealth com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Drooling saliva

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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