Try: Don’t always assume that a person is simply ignoring you he she may not be able to hear you as well as he she used to gradual hearing loss — presbycusis prez-buh-kyoo-sis — is common among older adults tinnitus tin-ny-tus also common among older adults is a ringing hissing or roaring sound in the ears that is usually triggered by a loud noise or by certain medications signs of hearing loss here are some common signs that an older person may have a hearing problem asking others to speak more slowly clearly or loudly or to repeat things trouble understanding words in a restaurant in a crowd of people or if more than one person is speaking muffled speech or mumbling needing to turn up the volume of the radio television or music trouble understanding people on the telephone difficulty follow a conversation misunderstanding responding inappropriately or saying that others speech sounds distorted complaining of a ringing roaring or hissing sound difficulty understanding the speech of women and children saying that some sounds seem too loud reading lips or more frequently watching people people’s faces when they speak walking away from or avoiding conversation unexplained irritability anger stress nervousness negativity embarrassment or depression information references adapted from sarah henry 2010 "signs of hearing loss " available at www caring com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Behavior Challenging, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Social, Hearing, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Hearing loss hearing hear listen irritable angry stress nervous nnegative embarrassed depressed
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed