Try: Description the behavior of people with dementia can be the most distressing part of the disease the following are some guidelines to assist in the management of difficult behaviors caregivers have found these six r’s helpful in thinking through a problem the six r’s of behavior management 1 restrict the first thing we often try is to get the older adult to stop whatever he she is doing this is especially important when the person might harm himself or someone else but trying to make the person stop may upset him her more 2 reassess ask yourself might a physical illness or drug reaction be causing the problem might the person be having difficulty seeing or hearing is something upsetting him her could the annoying person or object be removed might a different approach upset the person less 3 reconsider ask youself how things must seem from the patient’s point of view people with dementia are often unaware of the extent of their impairment when you try to bathe or dress someone who does not understand that he needs help he may get upset the person’s anxiety is understandable when things are going on that he can’t make sense of 4 rechannel look for a way that the behavior can continue in a safe and nondestructive way the behavior may be important to the person in some way that we cannot understand one man who had been a mechanic continued to take things apart around the house but he could not get them back together his wife had an old automobile carburetor steam cleaned and gave it to him he was able to enjoy taking it apart for several months and he left the household appliances alone 5 reassure when a person has been upset fearful or angry take time to reassure him her that things are all right and that you still care for him her while the person may not remember the reassurance he may retain the feeling of having been reassured and cared for putting your arm around the person or hugging him her is a way of reassuring him her if you’re a family caregiver this works okay but if you’re a home care provider some older adults may become offensive if you touch him her take time to reassure yourself as well you are doing the best you can with a demanding and difficult job give yourself a pat on the back for surviving one more challenge if possible find some time away from the person to regain your energy 6 review afterward think over what happened and how you managed it you may face this problem again what can you learn from this experience that will help you next time what can yhou learn from this experience that will help you next time what led up to this behavior how did you respond to it what did you do right what might you try next time
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed