caregiver (cg) is concerned about Care recipient (cr) wandering outside and getting lost

Try: Prepare an

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Maximum Supervision, Somewhat Aware, Unaware, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory

Information: Packet for use in case the cr wanders outside and help has to be called to search for them things to include in the packet a current color photo of the cr both a close-up and a full body photo any information that would make searching for and locating the cr easier such as homes they have lived before; churches they currently attend plus those they previously attended; parks they like to visit; former places of employment; any place that they would classify as their special hiding place when they were children; any places they attended social activities and any favorite family members friends or neighbors they might visit information on their medical history; what medicines they are currently taking what dosages and when taken what symptoms could occur if a dose is missed what side effects do they sometimes have on the person taking medication personal likes and dislikes such as; pets – do they gravitate towards them or are they fearful of animals law enforcement officers – would they go up to one and tell them they are lost or would they shy away from them are they comfortable in crowds or fearful of them did they have a military background did they speak any other language that they might revert to do they have any distinctive patterns of behavior also important would be to include a scent article in the packet; either a shirt sock pillowcase or washcloth in case a search dog would have to be used information

References: Adapted from plain talk about alzheimer alzheimer’s disease

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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